DSCC Releases Flash Edition of Quarterly OLED Shipment Report
Published August 23, 2021
DSCC has released the Q3’21 OLED Shipment Report – Flash Edition to subscribers. Starting in Q2’21, we introduced an expedited “flash” deliverable in advance of the full report file. This flash edition analyzes quarterly and annual units through 2022 by application, panel supplier, brand and form factor. In Q2’21, OLED shipments decreased by 10% Q/Q but saw 36% Y/Y growth. We expect that Q3’21 will increase 26% Q/Q and increase 28% Y/Y due to recent OLED smartphone launches by Samsung and expected launches by Apple and Google. We expect Q4’21 to increase 4% Q/Q and decline 1% Y/Y compared to Q4’20, when Apple launched the iPhone 12 series later than normal.
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