Quarterly OLED Shipment Report

Report Summary

This is the industry's most comprehensive OLED shipment report, covering smartphone, other mobile and TV panel markets. This report looks at current and future OLED shipments and revenues by application, supplier and size. and forecasts the timing of OLED overtaking LCD in all major applications.

  • Pages

  • File Format

    Excel (Market Data) + PDF (Analysis of Data)
  • Published

    July 2024
  • Order Report

This is the industry's most comprehensive OLED shipment report, covering smartphone, other mobile and TV panel markets. This report looks at current and future OLED shipments and revenues by application, supplier and size. and forecasts the timing of OLED overtaking LCD in all major applications.

Areas Covered:

  • Panel sizes ranging from 1" to 97"
  • Quarterly OLED shipments and revenues by application, panel supplier and by brand
  • Supply chain for all OLED applications
  • Mobile supply chain by model # in China
  • OLED panel shipments to TV brands by size/resolution

With this report, you can find out:

  • How big the OLED market is projected to grow
  • How quickly will OLEDs overtake LCDs in smartphones
  • When will flexible OLEDs overtake rigid OLEDs
  • When will foldable OLED shipments take significant share
  • What mobile applications after smartphones are likely to be dominated by OLEDs
  • Which brands are the largest buyers of OLEDs by application
  • Which Chinese suppliers are likely to emerge by application
Table of Contents

1.0 Executive Summary p. 5

2.0 Methodology p. 17

3.0 Units — Q1’23 - Q4'23 Results & Q1’24–Q4’24 Estimate p. 19

  • Total Quarterly Shipments – Mobile Applications
  • By Mobile Application
  • By Area – Mobile Applications
  • By Average Diagonal – Mobile Applications
  • By Panel Supplier – Mobile Applications & Smartphones
  • By Smartphone Resolution
  • By Smartphone Screen Size Group
  • By Form Factor – Mobile Applications & Smartphones
  • Top 20 Smartphone Models Units/Revenue
  • Smartphone Panel Procurement by Brand
  • Smartwatch Shipments
  • WOLED & QD-OLED TV Shipments

4.0 ASPs — Q1'23 - Q4’23 Results & Q1’24–Q4’24 Estimate p. 38

  • By Application
  • By Form Factor, Mobile & Smartphone

5.0 Revenue — Q1'23 - Q4’23 Results & Q1’24–Q4’24 Estimate p. 42

  • Total Quarterly Revenue – Mobile Applications
  • By Application
  • By Panel Supplier – Mobile Applications & Smartphones
  • By Form Factor – Mobile Applications & Smartphones
  • By Smartphone Resolution
  • By Smartphone Screen Size Group
  • WOLED & QD-OLED TV Revenue

6.0 OLED Brand Roadmaps p. 51
6.1 Smartphones
6.2 Wearable Devices

7.0 IT OLED Panel Supplier Roadmaps p. 57
7.1 Smartphones
7.2 Notebook PCs
7.3 Monitors
7.4 Tablets
7.5 Automotive

8.0 OLED Market Forecast 2022–2028 p. 85

  • Mobile & IT OLED Panel Unit Shipments & Panel Revenue
  • By Application
  • Notebook PC, Monitor & Tablet
  • By Area
  • By Average Diagonal
  • Notebook PC, Monitor & Tablet
  • By Area Output
  • By Form Factor, Unit & Revenue – Mobile
  • Smartphone Units & Revenue Trend
  • Smartwatch Shipments & Revenue
  • ASP Trend – Mobile & Smartphone
  • By Smartphone Screen Size Group
  • Smartphone Panel Procurement by Brand Unit/Revenue Share
  • Rigid Smartphone Panel Procurement by Brand Unit Share
  • Rigid Smartphone Panel Procurement by Brand Revenue Share
  • Flexible Smartphone Panel Procurement by Brand Unit Share
  • Flexible Smartphone Panel Procurement by Brand Revenue Share
  • WOLED TV & QD-OLED TV Units & Revenue
Companies Mentioned
  • Apple
  • BOE
  • CSOT
  • Google
  • LGD
  • Nintendo
  • Samsung
  • Sharp
  • Sony
  • Tianma
  • Vivo
  • Xiaomi