Sebastian Schlegl
System Solutions Engineer | ams OSRAM
Sebastian joined OSRAM Opto Semiconductors in 2015 and is currently System Solution Engineer. His responsibilities include:
• Worldwide responsible for different customer applications
• Customer support
• Product design-in and technical support
• Coordination new product requests and developments
Lasers for Augmented Reality Applications
As form factor of near eye display systems decrease, there is great interest in etendue matching and reduced battery consumption which can be enabled by lasers. The main obstacles for consumer AR glasses are size and weight, factors affected by the packaging of the components involved as well as the size of the required battery. Battery size is reduced by efficiently coupling light from the light source into the optics of the AR glasses. This requires a compact source that transmits light to a narrow solid angle underfilling the entrance pupil with high optical power density. This power density can be quantified as watts per unit area per solid angle where lasers are the most efficient solution. As the physical package size of light engines falls below 1 cubic centimeter, high-density and compact lasers are emerging as ideal light sources for AR, especially for laser beam scanning.
[1] Itoh, Yuta, et al. "Towards Indistinguishable Augmented Reality: A Survey on Optical See-through Head-mounted Displays." ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54.6 (2021): 1-36.