Display Equipment

Display Technology Display Equipment

Inkjet Printing Display Technology Report

Inkjet printing (IJP) technology is seen as an alternative choice to WOLED in large-size premium TV applications as well as potentially a primary option for medium sized displays. In recent years, panel makers, like Samsung Display, LG Display, AUO, BOE, China Star and JOLED, have put a lot of energy and investment into this technology. This technology is maturing every day, and it is likely to move into actual production in the near future. In 2021, China Star not only invested in and began collaborating with JOLED, but also revealed its T8 Gen 8.5 inkjet OLED mass production line plan in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Although the timing of T8 remains unclear at the moment, it can still be seen as an essential step for inkjet technology entering actual production. With this report, DSCC provides a comprehensive analysis of this technology and discusses machine setup, technology details, the current supply chain, panel makers’ plans and product cost in each of the different types of products. Potentials, bottlenecks and feasible solutions of this technology are also reviewed in detail.
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Display Trends Display Equipment OLEDs TV

Quarterly Flat Panel Display Supply/Demand Report

Latest Edition - August 2024

The Quarterly FPD Supply/Demand Report provides its users with some of the most valuable content that DSCC offers including deep insights into market turning points, price forecasts, panel margins and more. The report is divided into four parts. The first covers display demand by application with units, revenues, area and ASPs provided for eight different applications for both LCDs and OLEDs.
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Display Equipment

Advanced Weekly Equipment PO & Award Database ​


​A weekly newsletter of three spreadsheets used by DSCC to help establish market share in all the different equipment segments it covers. The first spreadsheet includes all the PO announcements made by equipment companies. This second spreadsheet includes equipment awards from Chinese OLED panel makers to equipment makers. This final spreadsheet includes equipment awards from Chinese OLED panel makers to equipment makers.
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Display Trends Display Technology Display Equipment OLEDs TV

Quarterly OLED Supply/Demand and Capital Spending Report

Latest Edition - July 2024

This quarterly report is critical for every company in the OLED supply/chain. It tracks OLED and Micro OLED fab schedules, OLED unyielded and yielded capacity, OLED and Micro OLED equipment spending for >50 different equipment segments, OLED demand by application and OLED supply/demand for rigid OLEDs, flexible OLEDs, OLED TVs and AR/VR applications.
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Display Equipment

Quarterly Display Capex and Equipment Market Share Report

Latest Version - July 2024

This report includes all of DSCC's content on OLED, LCD and Micro OLED fab schedules, OLED and LCD capacity and LCD, OLED and Micro OLED equipment market sizes, market share and forecasts for 80 different segments. All design wins and units by fab by equipment type are shown and quarterly revenues are provided for >130 different display equipment suppliers. Also included are typical process flows for each major process.
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Display Equipment

Quarterly Display Supply Chain Financial Health Report

This report provides a deep dive into the health of 14 publicly traded panel suppliers which enables companies to benchmark themselves against their competition as well as track the health of their suppliers and customers. It provides critical data and unbiased analysis on panel suppliers which financial analysts can use to benchmark the companies they are tracking and monitor those they haven't been tracking. It also enables companies and bankers to perform financial due diligence on companies they are interested in acquiring or investing in as well as establish industry specific benchmarks and
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Display Trends Display Equipment OLEDs TV

Quarterly All Display Fab Utilization Report​

Latest Edition - April 2024

DSCC's Quarterly All Display Fab Utilization Report takes into account the financial performance of many equipment and material manufacturers that are directly involved in FPD manufacturers' production line utilization rates. It reveals quarterly production capacity and glass substrate input for all OLED and LCD production lines. Information is presented on a quarterly basis and forecast data for the relevant calendar year is also provided.
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