Display Trends OLEDs

The Future of OLED Manufacturing

January 2024

Although active matrix OLEDs have become a $40B market, they are far from a mature technology. OLEDs have significant potential for more growth and are still evolving in terms of cost and performance. In addition, now that MicroLEDs are emerging, OLEDs are under greater pressure to boost performance and lower cost and we are seeing a number of efforts in parallel to significantly improve OLED cost/performance to prevent MicroLEDs from taking share. OLEDs are also aggressively moving into new markets and are tailoring future performance and cost improvements to enter these new segments. This report will examine how OLED panel manufacturers and materials suppliers are looking to boost performance and lower cost and enter new markets, growing the OLED market to well over $50B.
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Display Trends OLEDs TV Smartphones

Quarterly Flat Panel Display Forecast Report

Latest Edition - July 2024

DSCC’s Quarterly FPD Forecast Report tracks the display market on a quarterly basis from 2018 through 2027. It reveals units, area, average selling price (ASP), revenue, average diagonal, and resolution (pixels per inch or PPI) for eight different applications by technology (LCD vs. OLED). It covers eight different markets.
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Display Trends Display Equipment OLEDs TV

Quarterly Flat Panel Display Supply/Demand Report

Latest Edition - August 2024

The Quarterly FPD Supply/Demand Report provides its users with some of the most valuable content that DSCC offers including deep insights into market turning points, price forecasts, panel margins and more. The report is divided into four parts. The first covers display demand by application with units, revenues, area and ASPs provided for eight different applications for both LCDs and OLEDs.
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Display Technology OLEDs Foldable

Quarterly Foldable/Rollable Display Shipment and Technology Report

Latest version - August 2024

DSCC and Counterpoint have received excellent reviews for their monthly, quarterly and annual reports on foldable display technology and markets. Included in this report are best in class deliverables from both DSCC and Counterpoint including monthly panel shipments by brand and model, sell in by brand by model, sell-in by region, forecasted panel shipments by brand and model through 2028, forecasted sell-in by model, optional sell-in by brand by model by region, roadmaps, design wins, detailed product specifications, cost analyses, technology advancements and more. Shipments are provided for the entire supply chain covering panel shipments, production and sell-in.
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Display Technology OLEDs Foldable

2020 Foldable Display Technology and Market Report

The 209-page 2020 Foldable Display Technology and Market Report combines and updates our 2018 report which was more technical with our 2019 report which was more market focused. We think this report represents the best of both approaches. It provides all the relevant cost, price, technology, capacity, roadmap, benchmarking and shipment forecasts companies in the smartphone, tablet, notebook, display, materials and equipment segments need to understand the outlook for foldable displays and technology.
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Display Trends Display Technology Display Equipment OLEDs TV

Quarterly OLED Supply/Demand and Capital Spending Report

Latest Edition - July 2024

This quarterly report is critical for every company in the OLED supply/chain. It tracks OLED and Micro OLED fab schedules, OLED unyielded and yielded capacity, OLED and Micro OLED equipment spending for >50 different equipment segments, OLED demand by application and OLED supply/demand for rigid OLEDs, flexible OLEDs, OLED TVs and AR/VR applications.
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Display Technology OLEDs Foldable

2018 Foldable Display Technology and Market Report

This report explores the challenges and opportunities associated with foldable displays which have the opportunity to breathe new life into stagnant markets. It examines the obstacles that must be overcome, the most likely solutions, timing of foldable display production and which markets are most likely to benefit. It also provides detailed foldable costs, how they compare with flexible OLEDs and how fast they are likely to fall by application, size and resolution. It also provides a capacity forecast, yield analyst and a detailed shipment forecast in units, revenues, application, size and area. This report relies directly on interviews with panel, equipment and materials suppliers and provides detailed industry roadmaps.
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Display Trends Display Equipment OLEDs TV

Quarterly All Display Fab Utilization Report​

Latest Edition - April 2024

DSCC's Quarterly All Display Fab Utilization Report takes into account the financial performance of many equipment and material manufacturers that are directly involved in FPD manufacturers' production line utilization rates. It reveals quarterly production capacity and glass substrate input for all OLED and LCD production lines. Information is presented on a quarterly basis and forecast data for the relevant calendar year is also provided.
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Quarterly OLED and Mobile/IT LCD Fab Utilization Report

April 2024

With a number of equipment and materials suppliers’ financial results dictated by panel suppliers’ fab utilization, we developed this service to help companies, industry analysts and financial analysts assess the impact of OLED and mobile LCD suppliers’ fab utilization on company performance and the industry outlook.
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Display Materials OLEDs

Biannual AMOLED Materials Report

Latest Version - July 2024

This report tracks all OLED evaporation materials used in the production of AMOLED panels including Mobile/IT/TV & Other applications. it includes detailed stack diagrams for all the main configurations of AMOLED panels including White OLED/QD-OLED for TVs, RGB OLED for mobile devices, and tandem stacks for IT devices. Additionally, the report covers material suppliers and ASPs for these stack structures. OLED evaporation materials covered include small molecule and polymer emitter materials, and all common materials such as hole injection layers, hole transport layers, electron transport layers, block layers, and more. This report provides an overview of the current OLED evaporation materials market and offers insights into future trends based on this market information. It is combined with DSCC's deep knowledge of AMOLED capacity and panel shipments providing the industry's most accurate market size and market share results and forecasts. The report also includes a technology section that describes the main technologies behind AMOLED material performance, updates the latest developments and current technological issues. Furthermore, the report provides a scenario for the introduction of next-generation blue OLED emitters, covering the transition from fluorescent blue. In Excel format, market data for OLED evaporation materials (revenue and weight) is analyzed and simulated, providing market result and forecast data by materials, materials suppliers, panel makers, and configurations (applications and stack types) and more.
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